Hitachi Vantara, a subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., announced its mission for smart data at the NEXT 2017 event.

This Japanese technology company puts Smart Data Center as a cutting-edge approach to optimize all aspects of IT operations between data centers.

The solutions offered are also called for reducing operational costs, managing risks, and increasing the ability to respond to business changes.

The Smart Data Center approach is claimed to make the IT world more agile by centralizing controls and automating processes that reach many systems, data centers, and clouds.

Then what is the difference between Smart Data Center and traditional IT administration? The Smart Data Center differs from traditional IT administration, as it has the ability to automate decision-makers, studies, and guides through predictable IoT, and intelligent analytics.

It centralizes the management of the IT infrastructure for simple tasks, such as provisioning as well as other complex matters of optimization and automated repair between data centers. While traditional IT administration is only able to handle the network and system.

"We provide new tools and approaches so that next-generation data center administrators can manage more, better, and improve IT capabilities," said Bobby Soni, Chief Solutions and Services Officer, Hitachi Vantara through Thursday (28 Sept 2017) in Jakarta.

Some of the advantages of Smart Data Center are increasing the speed of time to deploy IT resources and complete administrative tasks.

It is also able to streamline change and introduce new infrastructure technologies and provide dynamic data center operations and comprehensive commercial views.

Please see the following Smart Data Center video Watch Now

How about you? Interested in smart data center more sophisticated or choose to use Traditional IT Administration?

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